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When To Use Advantage Campaign Budget Plus


What is Advantage Campaign Budget Plus?

Advantage Campaign Budget is an option at the campaign level within Meta Ads Manager. It is an automation feature that assigns more money to ad sets that are performing better. It is a feature that used to be known as CBO or Campaign Budget Optimization. As a general rule of thumb, when Meta rebrands something it means that they think it could make advertisers more money.

So why would someone use Advantage Campaign Budget Plus?

Advantage campaign Budget Plus is a feature that will on average yield higher results than if it were to be set in the default position of off. This feature is to prevent audience overlap. Briefly, audience overlap is where your audiences are similar, and so your ads get shown to the same people too much. This can cause ad fatigue. Going back to Advanced Campaign Budget Plus, reducing audience overlap as much as possible via the use of Meta's advanced algorithms is definitely a smart move.

Something else to consider is the difficulty of spending too little or too much on certain audiences. A warm audience for example, is very small yet powerful. Its optimal to allocate a lot of budget to warm audiences yet, its important to keep in mind that you don't want to overspend and burn these audiences out. Advanced Campaign Budget Plus fixes this issue through automation.

When to Avoid using Advantage Campaign Budget Plus?

It can be useful to manage the Budget manually for certain campaign objectives. It's also useful to have manual control over the budget. Especially for advanced advertisers that are using advanced bidding strategies. To truly see if you should avoid the Advanced Campaign Budget Plus feature, its best to do a split test and to see what the results are from that. See how ACBP spends you money.

Advantage Campaign Budget Plus vs Ad Set Budget Optimisation

Ad set Budget Optimisation is another automation setting that manages the spend within the ad set level. This can be useful in more advanced ad strategies. ASBO allocates the budget for ads within the ad sets.

Once again, generally, its going to be more useful to use ASBO when the targeting within each ad set is different. When ad set audiences are similar, its going to be better to use ACBO.


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