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What are the best ways to target audiences in the jewellery and watch niche?



Detailed targeting is targeting based on what you want your audience to look like. This can include demographics, what they interact with on Meta platforms and much more.

Detailed targeting is a great way to establish effective core jewellery and watch audiences.

When targeting jewellery and watch audiences you want to include:

- Your business's primary demographic.

- People who interact with fashion based ads/pages.

- People who interact with other Jewellery/Watch pages.

- People who will soon be celebrating a birthday or anniversary.

It is best to include a mix of demographics, interests and behaviours. Remember, these aren't mutually exclusive, this is your opportunity to get creative and think outside the box!


Lookalike audience targeting can be used to obtain more cold traffic audiences. Using Meta's lookalike audiences, you are able to create an audience that is based on another audience that has previously been successful. This is extremely useful because it enables you to prevent ad fatigue as well as expand your business; which is what we all want!

Jewellery and Watch businesses can massively benefit their ROAS by using lookalike audiences. Trust us, we've seen it happen!


Retargeted audiences allow jewellery and watch brands to make more conversions. Retargeting works by reminding prospects that are in the awareness stage of your funnel to take action!

The aim of retargeting is to make conversions. This is done by targeting prospects who interacted with a business page or website, but didn't convert.

As a general rule, the warmer you can make your traffic, the more likely they are to convert. This is why retargeting warm audiences is so effective.

Targeting different audiences can be exceptionally useful for your brand. It is always best to remember that, like everything in Meta advertising, testing is key!

Be sure to utilise as many methods of targeting as you can and find what works for you!

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